Base AI

AI for PM. Learn from past projects, chat with documents, use AI to find and automatically categorize files.

AI for managing your
projects and files

Prepivot Design is a versatile AI tool that enables you to draw with AI using advanced image models. You can also write your project docs with AI, chat with your drawings and documents, and much more.

Learn from projects

Organize your project and files in one place. Categorize & find files with AI.

Learn from others

We have database of thousands of public projects in Sweden.

Save learnings

Write down your learnings from past projects.

Chat with AI

Chat with your documents to get answers quickly.

Reference docs

Chat with reference documents / regulations.


Share projects with team members effectively.

Dashboard of Prepivot Base AI
Organize your files / projects

Learn from projects

Organize your files and projects with AI. Find all files belonging to project in one place.

Organize your project / files privately.
Get access to thousands of past public projects (Sweden)
Write down learnings from past projects.
Chat with AI

AI Chat with docs

Chat with your uploaded files and documents. Get answers quickly to your questions.

Beta feature: search with AI

Tag & find files with AI

AI with database of blueprints where you can find exactly the blueprint you’re looking for. Describe what you’re looking for in free text, and our AI will search through all the files and give you the most relevant file.

Find files with AI
Auto categorize files with AI